
Life is too short to waste it thinking rather than acting..

There is a line I adore in (The good, the bad and the ugly) said by (Tuco Ramirez the ugly).. “when you have to shoot, shoot! Don’t talk!”..

If you have an idea DO it.. Don’t TALK about it.. the excitement you lose through talking about the idea would be so great if it’s been kept for the acting moment!

Peace of mind..

Sometimes you feel unreasonable sadness..
It just attacks you without an alarm.. without any introductions..
You feel like you are missing something you might have never had..
Or someone you have never met..
A whole inside your heart or your soul suddenly appears to cause you the biggest pain you have never imagined there is such a thing could hurt worse..

I believe I know what is this actually, that big whole appears when faith leaves..
Thit pain attacks when you stop believing in something..
That sadness is just a mirror for your soul’s loss..

Faith should not be only in God…
It’s in every positive thing..
Hope, Ability, Optimism, Challenge, Possibility, Capability, Mercy, Peace, Love, Humanity, Greatness, Loyalty, Friendship, Honor, Honesty, Wisdom, Dreams, etc..

If you really looking for the peace of mind…
Go find something to believe in..
And have more faith..


عندما قابلتنى للمرة الأولى سألت متعجبا “من عساه يدعك تفلتين من يده؟!”..
أخبرتك أن هذا الـ”من” طرح علىّ سؤالا مشابها لسؤالك هذا، وكان أكثر تعجبا منك، وبالرغم من هذا فقدنى!!
هذا الـ”من” كنت قد جئتٌه بعد تمنٍ ورجاء وأحلام وصلوات من أجل الحصول علىّ، من أجل إمتلاكى..
كعادة البشر.. دائما ما أضاعونى، بعدما تمنونى!!

ففى البداية، قبل أن يملكونى..
يحلمون بى..
ويصلون من أجل الحصول علىّ..
بل ويحسدون من يمتلكنى!!

ولكن بعدما يحصلون علىّ..
ويملكونى بالفعل..
ولا يشعرون بقيمتى،
ولا يشعرون بوجودى إطلاقا!!

رغم أنهم لا يتخيلون حيواتهم من دونى،،،
كيف كانت من قبلى؟!
وكيف ستكون من بعد فقدانى؟!

تلك أشياء لا تأتى إلى الخيال..
ولا يذهب إليها الخيال..

ولكن عندما لايشعر الإنسان بنعمة وجودى فى حياته،
أذهب وأختفى إلى الأبد..

عندها يهتز الكون من حول هذا الإنسان.. ويبدأ فى إستعادة كل شعور كان قد فقد الإحساس به..
يبدأ فى حساب وتقدير الخسائر.. الخسائر التى لم تكن قد…

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زى ما تكونى شُفتى عفريت”.. كانت هذه الجملة التى قالتها شقيقتى عندما رأت تعابير الفزع على وجهى، ولم تكن تدرك إلى أى مدى هى محقة ودقيقة فى تعبيرها.. يا إلهى!!
لم أكن يوما من هؤلاء الذين يهلوسون عادة، من باب تزجية الوقت..
ما هذا الذى رأيت؟!
لقد كان شبحا..  طفلة صغيرة..  تبدو حقيقية إلى حد بعيد..
ولكنها لم تكن كذلك على الإطلاق..وقد أرادت أن تلعب معى..هذا مافهمته من ضحكتها لى.. تلك الضحكة البريئة.. التى أعقبتها بأن ركضت إلى العدم..ركضتُ خلفها ولم أدرى من أين واتتنى الشجاعة.. لأراها بكل بساطة تختفى…

نعم اختفت.. لم يخنى التعبير وأنا أبحث عن كلمة “تختبئ” ، ولكننى أعنى ماقلت حرفيا..لقد اختفت.. تبخرت..!!
اختفت.. تاركة إياى أغرق فى طوفان من الخيالات والتصورات عن العالم الذى تأتى منه وتذهب إليه….

إذا فهى عفريتة من عفاريت المصايف.. الذين لطالما سمعتُ عنهم ولم أكن قد تشرفتٌ بلقاء أيا منهم..
وهأنا ذا قد قابلتُ واحدة ونلتُ شرفا لم أكن أطمح…

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You are…………

You are not the ugliness in your face..

You are not the pounds you weight..

You are not the height of your legs..

You are not the wrinkles on your face..

You are not the weakness of your muscles..

You are not the beauty of your look..

You are not the cuteness of your smile..

You are not the acne on your cheeks..

You are not the disease you suffer..

You are not the color of your skin..

You are not the money in your pocket..

You are not your car model..

You are not the tears in your eyes..

You are not the pain you feel..


You are the smile on your friends’ face..

You are the love in your lover’s heart..

You are the care in your family’s mind..

You are the sparkle into your own eyes..

You are the sympathy in your heart..

You are the happiness you cause..

You are how many hearts you’ve broken..

You are the desire inside your soul-mate..

You are the shed tears for you..

You are the pain you cause..





I miss……

I miss…..
I don’t know what do I miss!!
But I really do miss something…..

Something  important..
Or something I used to it as an IMPORTANT thing..

“It’s ironic to talk about what you thought -yesterday- would be your future in the PAST TENSE -today-”

It really hurts when you think of all these memories as they’re memories.. an unrepeatable events..
You try to get used to put all your usual activities’ verbs in the past perfect tense..

You start practicing a new language you have never learned, you have never asked to learn it.. a language full of “forgetting, giving up, dropping, moving on, heartbreaking, unforgiving and disappointment” verbs..
After you used to know only all the nice words.. “Love, missing, caring, compassion, spoiling” and the hardest word you experienced before was “Jealousy”..

Your young heart didn’t expect all what happened later..
It didn’t see all that coming!!

But as I said it is “YOUNG” , and it’ll survive..
No matter how long it takes.. after a while it’ll get over..
And you’ll experience new nice words, because you will be enjoying having a stronger heart..
At least it will be aware of the taste of a BROKEN HEART..

The Collateral Damage..

When you pretend that you feel the world around..

When you eat without tasting,
and sleep without resting..

When you walk and talk,
like a Zombie..

When you smile, and might even laugh,
without your soul..

When your mind becomes so helpless,
and your heart is already so hopeless..

When your thoughts are unstoppable,
and yesterday  is unforgettable..

When your tears can fill an ocean..

When the damage inside you is greater than the World War’s..



Yesterday, today and tomorrow..

The whole life is about them.. we all actually have three days in our whole life.. it’s the world’s age..

Don’t you ever regret yesterday.. because there must have been something you learnt in that day..

And everything we learn in life we pay for it… cash money, life years or even attention..

We have to learn from our mistakes..

So we can’t just regret yesterday and wish we could have changed it… because we couldn’t.. even if we have a time machine… we just COULDN’T..

But today you can be a better person.. better than yesterday.. and you can plan for tomorrow..

Actually it’s all about today..

Because today was yesterday’s tomorrow, and here it comes…

If I have something I wanna do tomorrow, it’s the right time right now.. because right now was tomorrow somehow,,

If I’m gonna sleep today, there’ll be no tomorrow…

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She is kind!

She is so kind.

She is so nice.

She is so generous.

She is so smart.

She is so helpful.

She is so dependable.

She is so lovely.

She is so beautiful.. from the outside as much as from the inside..

you can not need anything while she is around..
she is the ears which would be interested in listening to whatever you say..
she is the hand which would hold your hand when you need support, and the shoulder you’d cry on..
she has a mother compassion..
she is another mother,
she is the one who prefers to be hurt instead of hurting anyone..

She is my elder sister, and it’s her birthday..

She is just too good to be true, may Allah bless her..


My Big Brother!

My big brother, I don’t know why don’t you believe in yourself!!

My big brother, I’ve always believed in you.. you are so talented, you have so many hobbies, and you are good at most of them.. I was born and you were only 6 years old child.. and you were already a good painter, and a talented musician, you have a wide knowledge now, because you’ve always loved reading.. you’ve always loved Dr.”Mustafa Mahmoud”.. and created the song of “Mustafa Mahmouuuuuud”.. this is another talent you have..
that you are funny..
you know how to make people laugh.. and all your friends love you, who would know a great person like you and can not love?! you are such an adorable guy..

you’ve been always a big brother to me, you’ve been always a friend to me, you used to encourage me  to be a better person, before you become a disappointed man..

you know how to advice people so well, but you don’t know how to advice your own self.. so let me try to do so, let me try to clear some few things, maybe I can change something to the better..

your only problem my dear brother is that you love so many things, so much..
you love music, you’ve always wanted to play guitar, and you were good also at the piano…
you love art, you’ve always loved painting and drawing, you also love photography..
you wanted to make animations..
and so many things I am sure you love, and so many things I don’t know that you do love..
you see where the problem is??

you have to pick one thing and concentrate on it to do it perfectly, you haven’t picked anything till now, but you still have time, believe me, even if you don’t have the equipments, or the money resources, you still have your youth and your mind.. you can earn whatever you want, whatever you wish with those two things.. you can get what you need..

you know you are great, right deep inside yourself you know so, and if you haven’t notice, here I am telling you my brother..